Friend Good

30 05 2013

My beautiful bride and I have a guilty pleasure, loyal reader: we enjoy reality shows, particularly the food-themed ones. Just today we were watching the latest episode of Master Chef when we came across this most cliché of contestants, the one who says she didn’t come to make friends, but to win.

I can’t really understand people like that. I mean, the two are not mutually exclusive, are they? Especially in a competition that’s based solely on how good the food you make it, where whether or not you get along with people isn’t really a factor.

It’s even more baffling when it’s a social game such as Survivor. Friends are pretty good to have, strategically. And at the end of the day, even if you’re competing you can still be cordial.

It’d be like being rude to your coworkers because you’re not there to make friends but to do your job. You kind of need to get along in life, you know?



One response

31 05 2013

I agree with you wholeheartedly!

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