Catching My Breath

11 11 2007
Hello again, loyal reader! I hope you’re enjoying a good weekend. I myself had a quiet day at home, doing nothing but watching movies, special features and playing Vice City. I needed a day like this after the madness of the last two work weeks. It’s good to recharge the batteries, once in a while, you know?
I’m proud to report that I’ve finally finished the Vice City story. I’ve eliminated my former boss (who was trying to get a piece of my action in Vice City) and am now truly king of the underworld of the Miami-like burg. But I’ve still only finished 66% of the game. There are still tons of things for me to do: stunt jumps to perform, dirt bike races to win, remote control races to win, stores to rob and hidden packages to discover. Despite "finishing" the game in the traditional sense, the open-ended concept of the game will keep me occupied for quite a while still.
I’ve also finished watching all the special features on the Reservoir Dog DVD. They were fascinating. I especially liked the tribute section, where Tarantino and key cast members relate crazy anecdotes about the now-deceased Lawrence Tierney. Tarantino also introduces us to some of his greatest influences. It made me discover new filmmakers that I’m looking forward to sample. Mostly directors from the French New Wave of the 60s.
I’ve also watched Trainspotting for the first time. It’s a very interesting, very different movie. The story centers around a young heroin junkie and his friends. It’s a hard movie to describe, and a tragic death in the middle of it really punches you in the gut, so it is not for everyone’s tastes, but I did enjoy it.
Tomorrow should be another slow day to recuperate and prepare myself for another very busy week ahead. Thank goodness for the weekend!



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